Open Classrooms, Endless Possibilities

Open Classrooms, Endless Possibilities

Diana Weatherred

Instructional Paraprofessional Primary Grades
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I grew up in a small community and attended elementary and high school in Deerfield, Kansas. I married my high school sweetheart. I have 3 children and one grandchild. I have been with Beattie for 20+ years.

Professional Background/Education/Experience: 

I have medical degree as a Medical Assistant. I started out as a resource literacy para. I have been a para for all grades 1-5. Currently I am instructional para for 1st and 2nd. I have been in the district 20+years. Two of my children attended Beattie.

What I love about working at Beattie: 

I love working with the younger students, because they keep me young. I get a lot of laughs each day from them.

Personal Interests/Hobbies: 

Spending time with my children and family. Watching sports, working outside, reading, and whatever I decide I want to do that day, RELAX.

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