Open Classrooms, Endless Possibilities

Open Classrooms, Endless Possibilities

Bear Lake - Kindergarten

Kindergarten at Beattie is known as Bear Lake, named after Bear Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park.  Those who have walked the scenic trail around Bear Lake have vivid memories of the beauty surrounding them, while taking it all in through each of their senses.  As a part of Beattie’s Bear Lake kindergarten, your child will make many wonderful memories of their own throughout the year, using each of their five senses as well.  Our goals to help each child develop a firm foundation for future academic success follow.

Kindergarten Web Site: Click Here!

Bear Lake Goals:


  • Provide experiences designed to foster the development of gross and fine motor skills
  • Healthy Kids Club
  • Opportunities to play during recess
  • Physical education


  • Provide an environment for children to make decisions and become independent and self-motivated people
  • Enhance a child's understanding of academic concepts
  • Music program and performances
  • Learning to read and write sentences
  • Mathematcial thinking and problem-solving
  • Gardening activities within our school’s garden and outdoor classroom area


  • Help children to refine expressive and receptive language skills
  • Drama, manipulative exercises
  • Field trips, school assemblies
  • Monthly oral story teller experiences through Larimer County Spell Binders
  • Recess and unstructured time
  • Promote interpersonal skills to interact effectively with both adults and peers


  • Encourage a positive attitude towards school and a genuine interest in learning
  • Provide a safe place for children to develop a positive self concept
  • Foster opportunities for self expression
  • Encourage children to explore their natural talents and abilities
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