The Scholastic Book Fair is the most exciting event that happens in the library at Beattie Elementary. The anticipation for new books and creative activities available through this awesome fund raiser requires lots of long-range planning and a variety of volunteers. Many jobs are behind-the-scenes and done before the book fair delivery truck arrives.
During the week of the Book Fair we rely on help from great volunteers who help with many tasks, from unpacking and setting up, to cashier and sales help during the shopping hours, and then packing up when it’s done. Beattie hosts a Book Fair each year in the Fall and another one each Spring.
We need your help! Please consider adding your input and leadership skills to the Book Fair Committee and help us continue to host this important and exciting fund-raising event.
There are many opportunities to become part of a great team including:
Co-Chairman/Coordinating the Book Fair
- Planning: dates, special promotions, volunteer meetings
- Recruiting volunteers
- Social Media and Newsletters
- Posters and Advertising
- Setting up the Fair & Packing up the Fair
- Checkout - Cashier
- Helping shoppers at the Fair
- Planning a Family Night event
- Planning an awesome Grandparents Day event
- Financial reports
Please send your name and contact information to or call the school office. Thank you!